The Punjabi Department was established in 1948-49 at Amritsar and later on in 1958 at Chandigarh. Initially, M.A. Courses in Punjabi were started in the department and with the passage of time, other courses were also started to cater of the needs of the students. Keeping in view the need of the students M.Phil course in Punjabi was also started to fulfill the condition laid down by the UGC for the eligibility of Lectureship. Similarly another M.Phil course in Guru Granth Sahib Studies was also initiated The Panjab University occupies a place of pride in the year 1999-2000. In addition, we are running Diploma in Translation, Diploma in Punjabi Language and Culture and Certificate Course in Functional Punjabi in the Department. Besides, research leading to the Ph.D. is also undertaken by the faculty of the Department. At present more than 200 students are pursuing the doctoral degree research in the department.
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